Sunday, August 16, 2009

Weekend Getaway with my daughter.

Did I spell Getaway right? well, who cares anyway.

I spent the weekend in Island Park, Idaho with my soon to be 4 year old daughter and my dad. Pretty fun time up here and I hope to have screwed my head back on straight for the weeks to come. You see, I consider myself OCD slightly (some around me would disagree and call me severely OCD) as I have been obsessed about network marketing over the summer and building my new business to make myself rich and those around me. I tend to lose sight of anything around me when I get like this. A few years ago it was my building company, I spent all kinds of hours working and working and neglecting important aspects of my relationships and life. Oh and that Ironman I did this year was another example of me in "tunnel vision mode."

So Idaho and limited cell and Internet service helped. But more than anything it was my daughter Chloe that gave me a chance to get away and re-prioritize. Having only one parent with her, I was the one who had to be there at all times for her. I looked forward to it and the trip did not let me down. She and I went four wheeler riding to the power plant and did some whoops, she screams and squeals like a little girl and it is so cute. We went fishing in the canoe; I don't know another girl her age, or any age, that can play with worms for that long and have so much fun. I kept telling her that if you break a worm in two you get two worms and her reply was always concern for the worm dying. She was more concerned for the worms not getting eaten by the fish than anything.

We also saw a huge moose right next to the cabin, It walked right behind me once while I was on the dock. No, I didn't know it was coming or I would not have been that close (5 ft).

So back to reality and my new life as a stay at home dad during the day. Casey is to start her teaching job back up this week so I get to take care of the house and kids. Is it too early to get a nanny? Or do I have to try this for at least a few days, maybe a few weeks, maybe a few months? I am pretty scared and excited, I know I won't hold a candle to how well Casey did it for the last 3 years.

Monday, August 10, 2009

First Post

So here goes...

I am going to try to write something about my day and my interests each day. I should be able to give you some background as to the events and my thoughts from time to time and in between the regular hoop hoorah of the daily posts. Lately I have been involved with a lot of things like getting my wife, Casey, ready to go back to teaching elementary school and getting my contracting business to continue paying me while I start watching our two kids during the day. Oh, and by the way, I also just finished an ironman triathlon and have been totally consumed by a new network marketing company that I am helping to start by recruiting distributors all over the US.

Needless to say, I have had a busy summer and am going to have a busy fall. This blog, and facebook, may be my connectionto the outside world as I get trapped in this house "tending the flock." So I hope to be pretty honest and forthright as I write, letting this be one method of release for me.

As for now, no one is following my blog, so I first am going to have to write something that someone would want to read before I get too caught up in the blogosphere.
